Welcome to the home page of the International PSC Study Group (IPSCSG)
The International PSC study group (IPSCSG) was founded in Oslo in 2010. The aim of the IPSCSG is to coordinate PSC research projects between leading institutions worldwide. More than 20 countries are represented (see map) and an alignment of important research topics in PSC means that rather than competition and redundancy, projects are run efficiently and are of a size that allows for robust conclusions to be drawn. Both basic and clinical research groups are represented, allowing for translational research that would otherwise not be feasible. A joint database for registering patient data has been established, and several studies are presently being performed.
Steering committee
Prof. Christoph Schramm, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Prof. Ansgar W. Lohse, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Contact: Hendrik Matthies: ipscsg@uke.de
Prof. Cyriel Ponsioen, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Prof. Cynthia Levy, Miami, USA
Prof. Annika Bergquist, Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Palak Trivedi, Birmingham, UK
Prof. David Assis, Yale University, USA
Prof. Cara Mack, Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Mette Vesterhus, Bergen, Norway